About Me

Hey, I'm Rahim Ratnani.

I'm a full-stack web developer from India. It was back in late 2019 when I came across freeCodeCamp. I got really intrigued by the idea that I can learn to code on my own. As someone, who was always interested in computers, I realized This is what I want to do for my career and embarked upon the long journey to learn programming.

I believe that programming is a never-ending pursuit and that's why I'm in love with web development and programming in general. I love to explore and learn new things. Currently, most of my endeavors revolve around Node.js, React.js and TypeScript.

Aside from that, I'm also an avid reader. My favorite genres are sci-fi and fantasy. When I'm not coding, you'll probably find me reading something on my Kindle or tinkering with my computer.

Feel free to write me at: rahimratnani4@gmail.com

Technical Knowledge


  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo Client
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Chakra UI


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


  • Docker
  • Linux CLI
  • Git
  • Webpack
  • Heroku
  • Netlify
  • Vercel